Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Standing up for better heart health

 Tips to loose weight


Spending less time sitting and more time standing lowers blood sugar, cholesterol, and weight — all of which translates into a lower risk for heart disease. So says a study of Australian adults published in the July 30 issue of the European Heart Journal.
As part of the Australian Diabetes, Obesity, and Lifestyle Study, researchers monitored the activity levels of roughly 700 adults to determine how much time these volunteers spent sitting, standing, walking slowly, and walking at a moderate to vigorous pace. Results confirmed that sitting worsens risk factors for heart disease.
Every two hours a day spent sitting was associated with an increase in weight and waist size, as well as in levels of blood sugar and cholesterol. As you might expect, time spent walking rather than sitting not only lowered cholesterol and blood sugar levels, but also reduced waist size and weight. Perhaps more surprisingly, simply substituting two hours of standing for sitting also improved blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Many studies suggest that the more we sit, the more we’re likely to develop heart disease and other illnesses, including diabetes and cancer. And, whether it’s sitting at the computer to get some work done or on the couch watching TV, too many hours spent on our bottoms increases the risk of dying from any cause — even among people who exercise regularly. Why? When your body is still for too long, you stop using blood sugar efficiently. You lose muscle, mobility, and flexibility. Over the long term, you may gain weight or develop depression.
“Regular exercise is an excellent way to prevent cardiovascular disease and improve overall health. One of the biggest perceived barriers to increasing physical activity is time. We always tell people that a little exercise is better than none, and this study reminds us that simple, doable approaches make a difference,” says Dr. Gregory Curfman, a cardiologist and editor in chief of Harvard Health Publications.
Even if your job or your lifestyle doesn’t keep you on your feet, most of us can find ways to stand more. For example, try standing when you are
  • waiting for the bus or train
  • folding clothes or sorting the mail
  • watching TV
  • preparing a meal
  • talking on the phone.
You can even build standing into your day at the office. See if colleagues will agree to a true “standing meeting.” Get up and walk to your coworker’s office rather than relying heavily on email. And instead of making yourself comfortable in that extra chair, stand while you talk.
You might also ask your employer about purchasing a standing desk. If that option is too expensive, rig one up on your own. You can find good, inexpensive ideas on the Internet. “Decreasing time sitting while at work is a simple, manageable adjustment may add important health benefits,” says Dr. Curfman.

By: Nancy Ferrari

Monday, 3 August 2015

Tips To Get Fit Now Before Summer 2015

Michael Russo Hoboken - 3rd Ward Councilman

The Internet is filled with tons of information when it comes to achieving adequate fat loss, some faulty, but most true. However, I have decided to break it down into the simplest way possible for those who want to achieve optimal results. This is merely a guideline to help you successfully lose those extra winter pounds you dread so much.
Here are some tips to get fit for this summer, but you got to start NOW! See below:

1. Wake up early

Wake up early and do your workout prior to starting your day. This achieves two things; the first it helps burn more fat and continues burning fat throughout the day, and the second it helps wake you up.

2. Always eat before the gym.

You never want to workout on an empty stomach because; 1. You want to keep as much muscle as you have. 2. You don’t want your cortisol to rise to unreasonable heights (as they will stay elevated throughout the day).

3. Eat Smaller Portions

You should be eating smaller portioned meals throughout the day. Each meal should contain Proteins, Carbs, and Fats. Your body starts to fall below your insulin threshold after 3 hours – so if you fail to eat after that time frame, you’ll fall into ‘starvation’ mode and your body will start retaining fat.

4. Eat After You Workout

You should always eat immediately after a workout- this will help with muscle recovery, fat loss, and repairing muscle fibres (restoring glycogen).

5. You must always eat breakfast.

An example: 2 eggs, oats with fruit. It helps kick start your metabolism in the morning and helps you burn more calories throughout the day.

6. Gain A Healthy Metabolism

People often think that in order to lose weight you must cut calories, lose weight, and gain a healthy metabolism to keep it off. WRONG. It actually works the opposite way; you must first gain a healthy metabolism, then slowly cut calories, then lose weight.

7. Avoid consuming alcohol.

The barrier with this is that alcohol has too many uncounted calories and makes it difficult to calculate. It also halts the fat burning storage and is extremely high on the glycemic index especially when mixed with juices and pop.

8. Eat Enough Every Day

Contrary to popular belief, you will not gain weight if you eat before bed. If you are calorie deficient for the day, your body will not turn that food into fat.

9. Drink lots of water.

Staying hydrated will make you feel fuller longer and you’ll eat less at every meal.

10. Avoid fruit after noon.

You want the excess energy in your body to fall as the day proceeds so your body can use up stored energy.

11. Sleep 8 hours.

Anything less than 6 hours is horrid and I don’t know how you live. But seriously, sleep is just as important as eating and drinking water. People will die from lack of sleep before lack of food (not to sound overly dramatic).

12. Eat tons of vegetables

Try to eat as many vegetables and complex carbohydrates as you can. Avoid refined carbs at all costs, with the exception of ‘cheat days’.

13. Decrease dairy and gluten consumption.

Most people have a mild allergic reaction to dairy and those symptoms are usually looking ‘soft’ or bloated. Dairy and gluten also slow down the metabolism, as they take a little longer to digest. Not necessary to completely eliminate obviously. Everything is moderation. However, less is better.

14. Stay consistent

Take your diet seriously for 5 days then on every 6th or 7th day, TREAT YO’ SELF.

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